Archive for 'Uncategorized'
no gender stereotypes here
Brian and I collaborated on a delicious dinner. I requested the barley salad from 500 Best Healthy Recipes, and salmon for dinner. Brian did the grocery shopping for all the ingredients. He started the barley salad, I finished it and did the salmon. I plated dinner, serving salad and salmon over a bed of greens. […]
Posted: January 4th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Blessed are the Cheesemakers…
…for they shall make tasty dinners. Brian made mozzarella cheese on Wednesday. He’d mentioned his intention but I didn’t know he’d actually done the research, ordered supplies, and had planned out his tasty cheese until I was ready to come home for dinner. I was very excited to encounter a proud cheesemaking husband, a pound […]
Posted: August 21st, 2008 under Uncategorized.
Comments: 2
Return of The Roast
This year, we decided it was time to resume our tradition of hosting a Goat Roast. We had a few changes to the rules, though. 1. Due to pranksters ordering goats from the butcher and not picking them up, we were unable to order a local goat. This year we roasted a 38 pound pig. […]
Posted: August 21st, 2008 under Uncategorized.
Comments: 2
California then Massachusetts
Don’t worry, we’re not stuck in Oregon. We made it to California and back home again safely. We just decided that wine tasting and our CA accommodations were too enjoyable to bother with photos and blogging, and then last week was a bit of a whirlwind back to reality. After braving Hwy 1 and enjoying […]
Posted: August 5th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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Or-e-here, Or-e-gon!
When I left you Saturday morning we were sleeping in at Corinne and Mike’s place. The first order of business for Saturday was a tasty breakfast of homemade waffles with fresh berries. After that we took a little tour of the small town of Trout Lake and headed back to their property for a tour […]
Posted: July 22nd, 2008 under Uncategorized.
Comments: 2
Friday was largely a travel day from La Conner down to Trout Lake, WA via Mt. St. Helens. It’s hard to describe seeing Mt. St. Helens even after having been there. The enormity of the destruction is incredible. I remember when the mountain erupted in 1980 from stories on the news and have since seen […]
Posted: July 19th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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What a week
It’s been quite the week with all of the contractor fun going on at the house (see our last two posts) plus trying to get ready for a vacation to see our families. During all this chaos, I got a chance to see my best friend from high school, Hans, who was in town for […]
Posted: June 27th, 2008 under Brian, Friends, Uncategorized.
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Goodbye to Grandpa
This week we’ll be saying goodbye to my grandfather, Arlie Sommer. I’m really lucky to have had a grandfather who lived almost 93 years, and was married to my grandmother for 71 (exactly – he died on their anniversary). I had to chuckle yesterday as I was reflecting on one of our favorite stories about […]
Posted: June 8th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
Comments: 1
Yard work
This is the year that we tackle the backyard. We’ve decided that the huge holly bush that blocks the view of the entire backyard has to go, along with the ugly tree back by the shed. At some point we’ll probably have someone cut down the spruce as well. Today we started with the ugly […]
Posted: April 19th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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Email subscriptions are live
I’ve added email subscriptions to the blog. If you want to get an email notification when there is a new post, you can enter your email address in the box to the right, click Subscribe, and follow the instructions in the box that pops up. Once you sign up there will an email sent to […]
Posted: June 28th, 2007 under Uncategorized.
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