Archive for 'Home'
Spring Flowers
Looking back at blog posts, it seems that I’m extremely traditional in doing yard work every Memorial Day weekend. Some years it’s been the first I can get out in the yard, but this year it felt very late due to our warm May weather. Indiana is still a few weeks ahead of us, but […]
Posted: June 2nd, 2010 under Brian, Home, Susan.
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Sights and Tastes of Fall
It’s the last week of our summer season at the CSA, which means that most of the vegetable offerings have turned to squash and potatoes. The nice part is that we don’t have to eat through the entire share each week, because these items will last for weeks or even months in a cool, well-ventilated […]
Posted: November 3rd, 2009 under Food, Home.
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Working Around the House
Sometimes it feels good to just get stuff done around the house. Brian and I came up with plenty of things to do today, so we decided to skip hiking and spend the day on home projects. We started out touching up the house paint that we’d scraped previously. It’s a 2-person job: I hold […]
Posted: October 12th, 2009 under Brian, Home, Susan.
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So many F words!
Su pointed out that I had not blogged in a while so the task fell to me today. I think that F words make a lovely theme for my first blog post in nearly two months. Fathers! – First off Happy Fathers Day to both of our dads. Neither of us would be who we are […]
Posted: June 21st, 2009 under Brian, Family, Fitness, Food, Friends, Home, Susan.
Comments: 1
Annuals and Veggies and more Perennial Gardening
Like many who had Memorial Day off work, I made use of the holiday weekend to work in the yard. The window boxes got a fresh coat of paint and their 2009 cargo, courtesy of the Arrowhead Farm and Tendercrop Farm. Painting was more of an adventure than you might expect. First, a minor mishap […]
Posted: May 31st, 2009 under Church, Home, Susan.
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May Flowers, and some leftover April showers
While Brian was working in the yard, I was visting my family. We planted a White Oak tree at K.C. Geiger Park on Arbor Day in memory of my Grandpa . It was a beautiful day to spend with Grandma, Mom &Dad, Rich&Sarah and many neighbors and friends in St. Marys. During my weekend […]
Posted: May 9th, 2009 under Family, Fitness, Home, Susan.
Comments: 1
Yard work time
Temperatures in the upper 60s, plenty of sun, and more good weather expected can only mean one thing. It’s yard work time again! Earlier this week we got our email update from Arrowhead Farm CSA reminding us that the early spring shares were going out, everyone with a share could pick up a living salad […]
Posted: April 24th, 2009 under Food, Home.
Comments: 2
Exercise, Travel and Home updates
Exercise: We registered for the Covered Bridges Half Marathon with our friend Heather, and we’re officially halfway there as of today based on training runs. Brian and I booked 6.8 miles today, our first run over 6.5 miles this season. It was a bit cloudy but reasonably warm for March. We’ve been enjoying the hills […]
Posted: March 28th, 2009 under Brian, Fitness, Home, Susan.
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How rude!
We’ve lived in our house for nearly eight years now and the church next door has been a pretty decent neighbor. One area that has bothered me over the past three or four years is their snow removal. About 50% of the time whoever is snow blowing for them leaves a pile of snow on […]
Posted: March 3rd, 2009 under Brian, Home.
Comments: 3
Superbowl Bacon Explosion
Several days before the Superbowl I was reading the New York Times online and came across an interesting article about something called the bacon explosion. I wasn’t too excited about either of the teams in the Superbowl this year but I still wanted an excuse to hang out with friends and have some fun so […]
Posted: February 5th, 2009 under Food, Friends, Home.
Comments: 2