I would drive 2400 miles
Brian and I returned from our tour of the midwest to visit family and friends, enjoying over a week of visits and dinners for the holidays, and surviving 2400+ miles in the car in the process. In July 2001, we bought a house during a trip to see our family. In December 2001, we decided to get married. On a later trip, we decided that Brian would quit his job and try being a stay-at-home husband. With that history of major decisions being made during to 12-15 hours in the car, someone usually asks what life-changing decision we’ve made this time. (We continue to maintain that we’re not having kids or getting a dog.) This year, we really want to spend more time with our family. We enjoy exchanging emails and weekly phone calls, but we want to spend more in-person time together in ways we just can’t replicate over the phone and computer.
Posted: January 2nd, 2007 under Family, Us.
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