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January 2025
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improvements in the commute

Monday’s commute was pretty good.  Not too much traffic, a few snarls at merges, but I still made it in under an hour each way.

Tuesday’s commute was better.  I picked up Brian Hone – by driving over the Rte 1A bridge!  It’s open!  I forgot how much I enjoy that route to Ipswich.  There are some lovely old cottages.  It’s a smooth and well-paved road, where I can drive 50 mph.  It’s direct.  The salt marshes are really pretty in the morning.  Plus, carpooling is far superior to solo driving.  It helps me leave work at a reasonable time, and the commute flies by when there is someone to talk to.  We had a particularly good discussion yesterday, covering current projects, Pranksy-in-a-nutshell, the thing I do that is really annoying (ok, it makes people want to give me the finger – it takes a good friend to tell a person that!), and how fun it is to have a baby girl.

Today’s commute, however, took the cake.  Due to the impending ice storm, we cancelled our business trip and scheduled a webex.  Hooray for technology!  My commute consisted of walking downstairs.  Actually, I usually walk downstairs anyway to get coffee.  In that case, my commute was the 20 steps from the kitchen to the couch.  I set up my phone on speaker mode, logged in on my laptop, got out my crackberry and notebook, and was set for the day!  I was on the phone a lot, and on the computer even more, but I was just as effective as being at work.  As a bonus, I also got a load of laundry done this afternoon.

Karma says tomorrow’s commute is going to be incredibly lousy.  I’ll enjoy the week so far though.

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