Sittin’ and readin’
The past two weeks Isaac has been very interested in sitting up. Ok, maybe not sitting fully under his own power, but being propped in the corner of a chair. Of course he also is interested in lurching from a sitting position onto his face which combined with his new ability to scooch means we can’t leave him unattended. Being able to put him in his Pack ‘N Play has been very nice as it gives him something else to do in addition to laying on his playmat.
We’ve been reading to Isaac every day and for the most part he just sits quietly in our lap and stares at the book or possibly off into space. Last week he finally showed an interest in holding a book on his own. He managed to hold it like a real book for a little while before tipping face first into it.
Finally, last week we had some friends over for a wine tasting. The Sheldons spent the night for the first time in many months and Theo and Max got to read Isaac a book at bedtime. Theo did an outstanding job reading “That’s Not My Dragon” while Max read “Little Blue Truck” complete with animal and horn sound effects.
Posted: February 22nd, 2013 under Uncategorized.
Comments: 1
Comment from Jeri
Time: March 1, 2013, 4:17 pm
Wow! He is really growing. So glad the giraffes are fitting into the family. They needed a good home.
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