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January 2025
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Temporary Bachelor-ette-hood

I have been on my own since Brian left on Tuesday morning for the vowel states. After three full days, I’ve noticed the following:

  • Slinky meowed insistently on Wednesday morning. He barely moved from his chair on Thursday morning. Friday morning he meowed to make sure I was up, but then let out only a very wimpy “mro?” in the kitchen. my hypotheses are that he realizes the “See if I can get fed twice” game isn’t worth trying because The Man isn’t there to feed him. He may be confused that The Man is gone but I’m not Gail. Since I’ve not been shutting him downstairs at night, it may be that his usual morning greeting is as much “hey, let me out” as “hey, I’m hungry.”
  • I hadn’t had a hot meal until today at lunch. I’ve been packing a yogurt, some fruit, and a scone for lunch the past couple days. Reasonably healthy but not warm. I brought pork loin for dinner Tuesday night, but ate it cold while working late. I snacked on bacon on Wednesday night, but I would scarcely call that a hot meal. I had luke-cold pizza at a meeting at MIT last night. I was thus very happy to devour my saag paneer and hot-from-the-oven naan at lunch today.
  • Without Brian as incentive to come home, my default mode is to work. I’ve not gotten home before 10pm any night this week, and tonight doesn’t look that promising either.

Summary – left to our own devices, Slinky and I are rather lame. Good thing Brian’s coming back on Sunday. (And lest you worry, I am actually planning to go to a party on Saturday night and have Easter Dinner with friends on Sunday, so I will eat properly and be reasonably social this weekend.)


Comment from Wayne
Time: April 7, 2007, 11:40 am

I know how you feel to be living “single” for a bit. Santina took Jonah to visit her parents for a weekend a month ago and I reverted to my bachelor ways–bad food, dishes piled up in the sink (wait, maybe that’s a guy thing). It’s always nice to have your honey (or honeys in my case) to come home to!

By the way, which vowel states is Brian visiting? Iowa? Alaska? Utah? 😉

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